
My good friend and mat surfing veteran Matt Pierce got in line for this run of mats. I'm stoked to finally be able to hook Matt up with an RB-JMC and when he said he wanted all white my monochrome vibes got all tingly (I did say I liked it). Matt didn't just want a white mat to paddle out in hardcore lineups, cross his arms, avoid eye contact and never smile.


He wanted a white mat to attach LED's and light that fecker up like a bleddy UFO for night surfing!

Lovely stuff!!!

With that in mind Patronus has a gap in the grip on the central pontoon so a strip of lights will go down there. Matt is going to attach velcro for this. He has already done this a bit with an orange Ute I built him named El Gnaranja and it looks bonkers, particularly in some of the river waves Matt surfs.

Apart from that though, Matt is a really good matsurfer so I'm super excited to hear what he makes of the RB-JMC. He's one of those reactive, controlled-chaos looking watermen who just pull rad shiz out of nowhere and brings a lot of fun to his mat surfing. I have had the honour of sharing waves with Matt and James Sowell at Doho and it was a real laugh.

Onto Patronus, she is a 70/70 Super-Free-Breather with negative rocker. I think Matt will notice and love the completely free spot movement in this mat. It's not for everyone but I really think it will be for him. He has gone for a deck valve. The grip is clear to maximise the light up factor.

As for the name a Patronus is a mythical protective creature from the Harry Potter stories. Matt says his animal is a pelican so again, perfect colour scheme.

Light shows aside, Matt is due to take a trip to hang out with a lovely long right hand point break later this year and Patronus is just gonna love that! Can't wait to see it.

Have fun Matt! It's weird shipping a mat to Idaho!



Adam Has Found His Mojo

So then, mat 2 of 2 for Adam Goldin named "Mojo".

Mojo is a G-Mat RB-JMC. As you can see Adam has gone for a bit of colour with a fade to a lighter coloured tail. In terms of all the gubbins, Mojo is a 70/70 super-free-breather. She has a negative elastic rocker (as opposed to her quiver mate Yaroomba's positive rocker) so is prime for those points around Adam's part of the world.

It's been a fun project working on these. Have fun mate!

All in all I would say Adam has a really balanced quiver here. Solid hold , stability and responsive rail to rail mobility with Yaroomba and balls out frictionless down the line speed with Mojo. I'm really looking forward to hearing how he goes with Mojo. I've already had some feedback on Yaroomba which made me a very happy man!

It's been a fun project working on these. Have fun mate!



Pinliner - Trying New Things


No... Not really but the eagle eyed among you might notice that the numbering on this mat is out of sync. The reason for this is that I number mats as I design them and this one was designed a while back and then other things took priority.

So what's the deal here? Well this mat is a bit of a prototype. It's a 70/70 RB-JMC super-free-breather with neg rocker, but with a much squarer tail. The RB-JMC design has a squarer tail then nose anyway, but this mat has that taken to an extreme. The squarer tail of the RB-JMC releases more readily giving less drag, thus more speed. This also encourages the tail to drop slightly allowing the mat to sit in its naturally faster position on the high line. This mat is taking that concept to its extreme to test its limits.

G-Mat 262 (AKA Pinliner) - RB-JMC Squaretail Proto. 70/70 Super-Free-Breather. Acid dye.

I have actually already built one for Andrew Stephen Buck and he has surfed it once. The feedback is that it might be too much with the hard corner possibly inviting cavitation but as Andrew said himself, one surf isn't enough. Also I really believe that as a builder it is important to test designs myself to get live feedback.I have left space between the end of the grip and the corners on both Buck's mat and mine to re-shape the tail if this really doesn't work.

G-Mat 262 (AKA Pinliner) - RB-JMC Squaretail Proto. 70/70 Super-Free-Breather. Acid dye.

The other part of this experiment is the aesthetic. I have had an idea about using sealant pinlines and stenciled designs to create a barrier for acid dye. Hard edges are pretty much impossible with acid dye on nylon. When I got an order for an intricate design (that one's on the way) it was obvious that it was time to try it out. Not really "pin" lines on this mat but I had the idea for a name in mind as tribute to the legend of Moonlight Glassing, Peter St Pierre who's internet handle was "Pinliner". My efforts are not a patch on anything Pete does so maybe more of an insult. Sorry mate!

Anyway, Pinliner is going to be my new mat. Whether this new iteration is what I stick with or I just reweld the tail back to what already ain't broke will have to be seen.



G-Mat 262 (AKA Pinliner) - RB-JMC Squaretail Proto. 70/70 Super-Free-Breather. Acid dye.


How do pirates know that they're pirates? They think therefore they ARRRRGH! (There's a lot wrong with Descartes but that's a solid gag).

Anyway, say hello to Tximista, an RB-JMC built for French all round waterman Benoit Moreau. For those unaware, Benoit absolutely charges riding a range of craft including mats and I am stoked to see him on one of my creations. A few years ago, Benoit lost an arm in an accident which brings some challenges to mat riding that he overcomes seemingly effortlessly. I asked him about his journey into mat surfing. Here's what he said:

I arrived in the world of the surfmat thanks to my good friend Régis who has been practicing it diligently for a very very long time. Before my accident I practiced the bodyboard, it was unfortunately very complicated since. And then one day I tested the surfmat and the sensations were incredible. This machine is literally dedicated to giving you pleasure. There are never bad surfmat sessions. And since then I always have a surfmat with me whether at home or abroad. And I’ve never been disappointed with that . From very hollow shorebreak going through a reef beeak like in Makaha or on very soft and bumpy mellow waves where we always have the banana.
— Benoit Moreau

Well Tximista is certainly a machine built for pleasure. We narrowed the aspect ratio more than usual as Benoit reaches across the mat to grab the opposite rail but have kept the key characteristics of the RB-JMC to maintain that hovercraft feel. We have added a bungee to fit a leash and also used the same pool toy valve I fitted to a mat named Green & Blue which went down to Oz. The feedback on that valve is almost unnervingly positive so I had no qualms about fitting one into Tximista to make inflation/deflation easier with one hand. Tximista is a 70/70 super-free-breather with neg elastic rocker.

G-Mat 267 (AKA "Tximista"). An RB-JMC Surfmat built for Benoit Moreau. 70/70 super-free-breather.

So why did Benoit pick the name Tximista? Because it's Basque for Lightning Bolt.


Have fun Benoit! Hopefully we'll get to share some French waves one day.




This is a mat I've been really excited to build. Chris Cravey is a super talented surfer and mat rider hailing from Santa Cruz. You have almost certainly seen him in the Jack Coleman mat flick, Circum Vehicle. Check the opening few waves of Chris riding his VPT mat

Chris is also a very skilled surfboard shaper so knows what's what. I always love building mats for shapers/designers. They share my nerdy interest in all the hydrodynamics and technical aspects of design. They also ask the kind of questions that prompt reflection and new thinking as well as sniffing out bullshit so you have to be legit.

Anyway, on to the mat. Chris has gone for an RB-JMC 70/70 Super-free-Breather with neg rocker. Not really a surprise given his talents. Chris wants as much control in his hands as possible (including the decision to let go). We had a lengthy discussion around the scaling and tinkering which I'm fairly certain we have right. We shall see!

Chris has named his mat "Nepenthe" saying:

As far as the name goes, it’s pretty hard to have a mat session and walk away without a smile. As I’ve ridden more of the lighter weight/free breather ones I’ve had these feelings on waves that no other surfcraft has offered and it’s totally consuming. Nepenthe is known as a mystical drug that wards off sorrow or pain and somehow thats stuck in my head lately so it seemed like a good fit. How can you think about anything when you’re blissed out of your mind flying across a wall of water on an air bag?
— Chris Cravey

Perfectly put. What a name! I can't wait to see how Chris and Nepenthe get on. Chris has a trip on the horizon so let's see how they go.

And finally if you haven't, do watch Circum Vehicle on YouTube. And if you have, watch it again!



FEEDBACK - Sept 2023

More Green & Blue - Synapse

Here we have a G-Mat RB-JMC named Synapse built for Californian, Rob Belli. Rob is a very fine mat surfer who you may well have seen sharing waves with mat art master Jared Katz.

I asked Rob to tell me a bit about his journey into mat surfing. Here’s what he said:

I got into mats about 2008 (I think, I can’t quite remember) when I ordered a mat from a shop called Wetsand in Ventura,CA. They were selling mats called Neumatics made by some guy named Dale Solmonson haha. So I ordered one but around that time Dale had some health problems and didn’t get the mat till about a year later. In the meantime I think I got a 4th Gear with denim on it for grip. But as everyone knows once you get a good wave on a mat you realize there is nothing on earth like it. What’s funny is once I got Dale’s mat it smelled so bad from the grip (even after riding it for a while) I stupidly sold it for 100.

I picked to name my mat Synapse from my experience riding mats in choppy onshore conditions. I was amazed at the feeling I experienced at the micro adjustments the mat was making to the bumps and chops at high speed and going faster and faster down the line. It was like the mat had a brain that was taking input and translating to speed.
— Robert Belli

Synapse is a 70/70 super-free-breather with neg rocker. Rob was inspired by a mat I sent to Oz for colours although the clear grip and black logo give a different feel. As you see, Synapse has a bungee for a leash on really windy days as Rob travels to some breezy places with long swims and is keen not to lose his mat!

I'm really looking forward to feedback on this.

Have fun Rob!




This is Mimosa, a mat built for Welshman Huw Beynon. Huw has been a mat surfer for some time and has been riding a stock G-Mat and pretty well at that. Living on the Gower in South Wales, Huw has some great mat waves on hand so when he got his deposit in for a custom mat I was over the moon!

Mimosa is definitely a step up from Huw's current ride being a 70/70 super-free-breather so much more sensitive and responsive than the 200/70 wheezer RFT that he currently rides. We discussed elastic rocker options and Huw opted for free rocker, given the wide range of conditions he will be surfing. With some very peaky waves in the mix, Huw felt a mat that would respond to hard cutbacks was handy whilst flattening nicely for the points. The bungee has also been added to cover nipping over the Severn to jump in the wave pool.

G-Mat 259 (AKA "Mimosa"). A RB-JMC Surfmat hand built for Huw Beynon by Graeme Webster. 70/70 Super-free-breather

Huw has also gone for pigmented grip and logo. They say blue and green should never be seen. Well... I beg to differ.

The only downside is my spelling of Beynon! Sorry Huw... As a fellow Celt I feel suitably ashamed. Huw seemed to find my balls up funny though so all's well that ends well.

I'm going to get to surf with Huw and Mimosa in April at The Wave on Bristol. Can't wait to see them in action!



G-Mat 259 (AKA "Mimosa"). A RB-JMC Surfmat hand built for Huw Beynon by Graeme Webster. 70/70 Super-free-breather