Cardiac Abnormality Express

This is a mat for Mariah Ernst. Mariah got in on the last round of orders and probably for the best. You might remember that a while back, Mariah lost hold of her favourite mat Jamu Jamu leading to her ride taking a trip across the coral at Uluwatu. I did some serious surgery at the time which held up for some time but alas the leaks just crept in.

So on to this mat named Cardiac Abnormality Express. Mariah had a bit of a health scare a while back. Don’t worry, she’s fine, but a significant event in her life. What better way to mark that and the journey moving on from that experience than to get yourself a new mat! And Mariah is the perfect mat surfer… Keep it simple, have fun and spread the love. Perfect.

Cardiac Abnormality Express is basically a rebirth of Jamu Jamu. Given the waves Mariah surfs in Indo a Nouveau Racer is ideal. The free elastic rocker keeps things moving but stretches cleanly into a smooth curve for turns and the combo of 200 denier deck and wheezy venting inside keeps things stable when things get bonkers. The Nouveau Racer design offers a lot of hold so all in all, hollow powerful waves are covered. Mariah has also gone for a mottled pink deck that I do think looks perdy.

Cardiac Abnormality Express is on the way to Indo now. Have fun you two!
