More Green & Blue - Synapse
/Here we have a G-Mat RB-JMC named Synapse built for Californian, Rob Belli. Rob is a very fine mat surfer who you may well have seen sharing waves with mat art master Jared Katz.
I asked Rob to tell me a bit about his journey into mat surfing. Here’s what he said:
“I got into mats about 2008 (I think, I can’t quite remember) when I ordered a mat from a shop called Wetsand in Ventura,CA. They were selling mats called Neumatics made by some guy named Dale Solmonson haha. So I ordered one but around that time Dale had some health problems and didn’t get the mat till about a year later. In the meantime I think I got a 4th Gear with denim on it for grip. But as everyone knows once you get a good wave on a mat you realize there is nothing on earth like it. What’s funny is once I got Dale’s mat it smelled so bad from the grip (even after riding it for a while) I stupidly sold it for 100.
I picked to name my mat Synapse from my experience riding mats in choppy onshore conditions. I was amazed at the feeling I experienced at the micro adjustments the mat was making to the bumps and chops at high speed and going faster and faster down the line. It was like the mat had a brain that was taking input and translating to speed.”
Synapse is a 70/70 super-free-breather with neg rocker. Rob was inspired by a mat I sent to Oz for colours although the clear grip and black logo give a different feel. As you see, Synapse has a bungee for a leash on really windy days as Rob travels to some breezy places with long swims and is keen not to lose his mat!
I'm really looking forward to feedback on this.
Have fun Rob!