Cosmic Chancho

Meet G-Mat 226 (AKA “Cosmic Chancho”). Cosmic Chancho is a 70/70 RB-JMC built for Californian, Dylan Zapata. He has a neg rocker and is a super-free-breather and will be perfect for the waves Dylan surfs.

Dylan says:

So I live 30 mins north of rincon. In the land of right point breaks. I work at a surf board fin shop [you know which one] but I am secretly all about friction free glide! Me and a couple co workers are really into matting and get the chance to chat with George Geenough from time to time about mats! I surf frequently but have really been getting into matting and have found my self going to the beach always with a mat in hand 👍
— Dylan Zapata
Surfmat G-Mat 226 Cosmic Chancho Dylan Zapata RB-JMC

Sounds idyllic to me Dylan and I’m pleased and honoured to play a part in your journey into the finless realm.

Have fun mate.



Surfmat G-Mat 226 Cosmic Chancho Dylan Zapata RB-JMC