El Matador - A Surfmat for Torren Martyn

El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker

Here's a mat that's been on the to do list for quite a while but we finally got around to it. I'm very excited to be able to build a mat for the super talented Torren Martyn.

El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker

For those unaware, Torren is a notable surfer who has been the subject of a number of surf/travel films created with his friend and amazing film maker Ishka Folkwell. The latest of these being the fantastic Lost Track Atlantic series. Torren's smooth surfing, open mind and eye for subtlety suit him perfectly to mat surfing which he has been quietly getting on with, with his 4GF from PG.

El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker

This mat then, named El Matador (can you believe that's not already taken?!) is a 70/70 RB-JMC with standard negative elastic rocker and set up as a super-free-breather. A very light mat with an eye on down the line speed and glide. Given Torren's penchant for the low key she is black on black which is always a winner.

El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker
El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker
El Matador RB-JMC Surfmat Torren Martyn 70/70 Super-free-breather negative elastic rocker

Right now, El Matador is sat in Stanstead Airport, near London, waiting for a spot on a plane. Torren is currently in the Rincon area so that's where they'll hook up. Not a bad wave for a mat try out eh?

More to come. 😎
