All Aboard the Love Boat

G-Mat 177 Ute Surfmat Katelynn Pierce

All aboard the Love Boat!

Romance is in the air, love is all around, etc, etc...

This mat has been built for Katelynn Pierce. Katelynn and Matt Pierce married earlier this year and Matt got in with an order saying that Katelynn was after a mat for their honeymoon in January. Perfect timing!

Katelynn is a fairly new mat rider and has only ridden Matt's which are WAY too big for her so job number one was to scale her mat to fit. The rest of the brief was a mat that will be versatile and dependable. With this in mind a Ute was the obvious choice.

The Love Boat is a 200/70 wheezer with free rocker. The grip is proper romantic (hence her name) in pigmented heart shaped patches and the logo is a festival of purple-pink glitter that the photo's don't do justice too. Oh...

And the Love Boat has a Heatered valve.

G-Mat 177 Ute Surfmat Katelynn Pierce
G-Mat 177 Ute Surfmat Katelynn Pierce

So, The Love Boat sets sail on Christmas Eve to SoCal and then on to Baja mid January for the Pierce's honeymoon trip.

Here's to you and a long and happy life together Kate and Matt!


