Care Package

One for Derek Hynd, an emergency G-Mat RB-JMC. Since building a mat named 'Donald Campbell' for Derek a few months ago he hasn't been on a board and reckons he's had over a hundred sessions including a load of heavy freefall drops in big surf at The Pass. The deck material (not our main supplier) suffered a small TPU delamination. DC is currently heading back to G-Mat towers for some TLC and this mat named "Care Package" was shipped over a week ago so is due to land any second.

Derek is the ultimate test pilot surfing twice a day in whatever conditions and pushes his mat way beyond usual use so it's great to get this direct feedback.

Care Package is another 70/70 RB-JMC with negative elastic rocker and super-free-breather venting so a very fast mat. As mentioned the material is the same throughout and I've added a little more grip given the amount of water time Derek's mats get.

Have fun Derek!
