/Say hello to “Ursula”, an RB-JMC built for the very talented Charlie May.
Charlie is one of those dolphin people. You know the ones… Those people that you stick on any surf craft and they just click into it instantly and look like they’ve been doing it for years. I’ve built mats for a number of those people over the years. It’s no wonder they get into mats really when you think about it.
Photo: Emma May
Photo: John Bostwick
Charlie lives in Central California a beautiful bit of the World with a geology reminiscent of North Cornwall. Tall cliffs, rocky reefs and points with a sprinkling of huge white sharks thrown in just to spice things up! With all that in mind, I’m guessing Ursula and Charlie are going to be having some really special adventures!
So back to Ursula. Charlie asked for purple grip and branding. We’ve pretty much got there. A bit more burgundy (don’t be fooled by the photo’s the camera has made the colour much more red than it is). She is a super-free breather to maximise morphability and glide. The deck elasticity will help further encouraging a tendency towards negative rocker as well so all-in-all… VROOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
Ursula is currently sat in the workshop with the grip curing. Once she’s cooked the adventures can begin!
Have fun Charlie!