Cool Runnin's
/This is a G-Mat Ute named Cool Runnin’s built for Simon Caddick. Simon lives in West Cornwall and is an experienced surfer who has riden a wide range of craft from standing to knees to prone.
Simon was looking for an all round mat to deal with a range of conditions. He also wanted a more predictable feel so we went for a 200/70 Ute. The venting is restricted meaning that the air moves through the mat more slowly than a free-breather or super-free-breather.
Simon was after low key colours so went for black top and bottom with black grip, but also with a large logo in green, yellow and red.
In addition, Simon wanted a bungee fitting to allow a leash. He surfs heavy reefs with little room for error so was conserned about losing his mat to the reef. Therefore it makes sense to have the option there. Simon and Cool Runnin's have been getting to know each other of late.
Simon went for a mat bag too.
Let's hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
Have fun Simon. Be good to hook up for some waves when life is a bit more normal.