Anuket - Heading to Wales
/This is G-Mat 118 (AKA "Anuket"), built for super-talented prone riding Welshman, Keith Usher.
Anuket is a 200/70 G-Mat Ubercat with elastic rocker. The grip is Puraflex 40, pigmented light blue on a royal blue deck with white livery and black bottom skin. As you can see, Keith has gone for a leash attachment as well.
Keith has had Anuket out for her maiden voyage on the day of writing. He seems pretty please with her getting over flat spots and plenty of hold at low inflation. These were soft waves so not really where this type of mat really gets to open up.
Today Keith didn't wear a leash. The leash isn't intended for every day waves. It's there because Keith takes on waves like these!
Leashes are always only a back up on mats but sometimes, keeping hold just isn't an option and a swim around the inside at Aileen's doesn't sound a ton of fun!
Keith has another G-Land trip planned soon. The spot where he first tried a mat! I can not wait to see how Anuket and Keith get on.