So, Phileas's second stint in Orange County is coming to an end and what a stint it's been! James Sowell (AKA "Mattitude") has been the perfect host, dragging our girl into all sorts! Here's what he had to say after their most recent adventures in the company of Matt Pierce and Chad Sickney of HCW Camera Water Housings.
That's quite a cast of riders! We've already seen some shots of Matt in cranking Huntington Beach and it looks like things kicked on from there. Here's what Mattitude had to say:
phileas scored again tonight. took her down to mat reef for high tide in the evening. surf was on the large side with some of the sets closing out the bay. the in between sets were good and the waves were almost non stop.
Matt [Pierce] and i traded off between phileas and filming duties with only a small window of time where the tide got high enough but the sun was going down. we got just over an hour with phileas in some great conditions as the wind died and all the conditions meshed.
The boys sneaked out a quick edit of the session on YouTube, so here it is: