Presenting the San Diego video.

Phileas the travelling Surfmat hits the US West Coast. First stop, San Diego and lodging with Scott Reeder, the perfect host. Phileas had a huge adventure which you can read about here: Surf-wise, she hooked up with a load of local riders including Scott, his wife Pam and son Maz, mat meisters Kendog and Mark Miller and local legends Peter St Pierre and Cher Pendarvis.




Having kept her head down for a bit it turns out that Phileas has been working as a children's entertainer. No Green Card either!!!

Anyway, the time has come for her to tear herself away from young Maz Reeder and his mates to get out in the water with Mr Reeder Sr and some of his.  More to come!!!!!!

Good swell over there too.


PS I see her tats are coming on just nice. 


Kendog Photo: Peter Saint Pierre

Well, Phileas has landed in San Diego and it would seem that Kendog has had some waves (there are even rumours of photos). The mat-vine has been rustling however, with word that John Mann (AKA Bag Juan) and  Peter D'Ewart (AKA Chiledub) are going to be in town at the end of the month. 

Well, it would be criminal for them an Phileas to miss each other.

So, with that in mind, Phileas is headed off to this guy...

Wedge legend Sean William Starkey and his band of merry hell-men are sure to give Phileas a warm welcome. I can't wait to see what comes of this little soiree.

Don't worry though San Diegans. Phileas will be back.