Rattler... Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie!!!

G-Mat Rubber Bucky Surfmat Rattler Henry Marfleet

Say hello to G-Mat 145 (AKA "Rattler"). Rattler is the third mat I've built for UK based Ozzie, Henry Marfleet. I was over the moon to build this mat as Henry's previous mats have both been built for solid waves. He goes on annual trips to Indo so you can see why.

So back to Rattler; she's a 200/70 Rubber Bucky. Henry wanted to get in touch with his Ozzie roots so opted for a bit of colour... Green deck, yellow logo and yellow bottom. We went for clear grip to to add a touch of frosty goodness and let the green really show through.

G-Mat Rubber Bucky Surfmat Rattler Henry Marfleet

Rattler has a subtle neg rocker to work with the deeper concaved of the Rubber Bucky design to make what is going to be a fast and slippy mat. Perfect for Henry's frequent trips to Cornwall. (We always prepare ourselves for a week of onshore choss when he says he's coming down!).

G-Mat Rubber Bucky Surfmat Rattler Henry Marfleet
G-Mat 145 (3).jpg

Henry has also ordered a sexy green tee with a yellow logo. That's currently in the works so will be sent on later. Looking forward to getting in with Henry and Rattler next time he's down.



Introducing the Nouveau Racer - Haven't We Been Here Before?!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to formally announce the Nouveau Racer. As you can probably tell, this design has been born out of the Chino Racer to be, well, what the Chino Racer was meant to be!

What happened was this; I designed the Chino Racer with good sized waves in mind and as a mat, it loves a good wave, giving natural hold and stability. The thing is, the feedback from the owners was that they couldn't believe the range of waves their mats were going in. Even a couple of foot would get the Chino Racer flying, as long as there was a bit of shape to it. Of course these mats were also eating up good sized waves but there turned out to be a point where it just felt like a bit too much mat!

The Nouveau Racer was born out of this. The I-beams are the same height as a Chino Racer but every thing else is pulled in giving a comparatively smaller mat with more depth to its length and beam, as well as a slightly enhanced concave. What we have then is lift and hold in a fast, manoeuvrable mat.

The original re-workings went to Bob Booth in North Cornwall and Henry Marfleet. Henry took his to G-Land and rode her in some pretty heavy conditions so it it safe to say that this design is tested! The latest is built for Jamie McClellan for his impending trip to the US West Coast. She is called the Black Mat. I'm not sure what inspired the name.

Henry Marfleet, G-Land

Jamie McClellan's "Black Mat"

I've updated all the mat information on the site to include the Nouveau Racer. Keep in mind of course, these are custom mats so are still each scaled to the individual rider.

Any questions, just ask in the comments below.



G-Mat 87 (AKA "Bez")

This is Henry Marfleet's new ride, Bez. She's a free-breathing 200/70 Chino Racer with a restricted flat rocker.  

G-Mat 87 (AKA "Bez") 

As you can see, Bez has a 3/4 grip job of grey (yes, it is grey I swear) Sikaflex EBT+. This is very durable and offers good traction and also adds to the stability of the deck. Bez also has added black grip on the front corners to help with hanging on to her in heavy situations. I've used Sikaflex 11FC+ for this to keep it pliable. This is backed up with a bungee leash setup just in case Bez and Henry get separated. 

Sikaflex love handles 

So why does Henry need such a solid,  stable, belt and braces mat? Well, that's because he's off to G-Land and it can get quite heavy there apparently. As you can see, Henry isn't unaccustomed to waves in that part of the world:

Anyway, Bez has set off to hook up with Henry and then off they go. Pretty exciting trip for both of them.  



Henry Marfleet - K-Bay, Dorset, UK

Lambeau & Bluey's Big Adventure

I received some great feedback from Henry Marfleet about a mat from my quiver; an Ubercat named "Lambeau".

Henry posted his feedback on the UK Mat Surfers forum and said the following:

"Got back last week from a 2 week holiday in west oz.

G-Mat 19 aka "Lambeau" hitched a ride with me, as it needed to get over to east oz, and thought it would be nice for it to get a taste of west oz.

Was in the water 2 hours after arriving in Perth, and because it was small and the spot was shallow reef took the fatty out, nice to be surfing in boardies for a change.

Then down to the south west of west oz around the Yallingup region, to surf some proper waves.
Grabbed Lambeau, and never looked back, poor sod had no rest up as I surfed it for the rest of my time over there .

Surfed a variety of reef breaks, handled the steep take-offs, loved the fast walls, and held nicely into the barrelling sections.

It was just as happy in the hollow beachies, was slightly worried that it would not want to track and stay in the barrels but no worries on that count, slipped and stayed into them perfectly."

Sounds like Henry's scored himself some pretty sweet waves!